Django Error-django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Requested setting INSTALLED_APPS, but settings are not configured. You must either define the environment variable DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE or call settings.configure() before accessing settings.


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I also found this error on stack overflow.

The answer which solved my problem is

export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=mysites.settingshere, mysites is name of Django project where is available

paste the above line in bash shell before running standalone python script.

Promotion Ahead — Book recommendations

If you have time, reading a good book is one of the best ways to get a deeper understanding of software engineering.

Reading Books drastically improve your coding skills specially System Design knowledge.

I have not personally read all them. I am currently reading them. These below books are suggested almost all Software Engineers working in Big tech companies like Google, Uber, Microsoft, Meta, Netflix etc.

Here are some of my Recommendations

  • Effective Java — the best book on Java, and I would recommend reading it even if you mostly use some other programming language.
  • Designing Data-Intensive Applications — a very good overview of the big distributed systems, and one of the best technical books I have ever read.
  • Clean Code — a classic book on writing good code.
  • Building Microservices — a good book on microservices (without any unnecessary hype around them) that also provides a good overview of the topics of security, testing, deployment, and others.
  • Design Patterns by Gang of Four — a classic book on design patterns. If you don’t read all of it, make sure to at least know the following patterns: Singleton, Builder, Observer, Decorator, Facade.
  • Cracking the Coding Interview — I have read just several interesting chapters from here, but it is still a solid book about interview preparation.
  • Modern Operating Systems — this book provides a nice overview of the hardware, memory management, and other systems related concepts.
  • Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript — this book, which you can just skim in one evening, surprisingly provides a good overview of many important web concepts.
  • Coders at Work — a book of motivating interviews with great programmers.
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